The Gill Barralet Naturally Ageless Story
What do you really want?
Have you ever really stopped and thought about what you really want for yourself? Have you given yourself permission to even think about it?
Or do you find yourself going with the flow, being herded from one situation to another, like your job, your relationships, or your family, and feeling overwhelmed, stressed and totally disconnected from yourself?
How long have you been waiting to feel your best?
Ladies, we have lost ourselves on the treadmill of life! You have given so much of yourself to everyone else,
Now, is the time for you, the time to reignite your passions and truly live your life!!

About Me.
My journey:
Throughout my life, I have found myself in many roles that have enabled me to develop and share my passion for helping others get the most out of their lives. I have now brought together this experience with many years of training to offer you my support as a Personal Coach, Mentor, Workshop Facilitator, doTERRA Wellness Advocate, and Gold Business Leader.
But most importantly, I am also a Mother, Lover, and Friend who is passionate about leading a long, healthy, abundant life.
Just like you, I want to be my best for myself and for the people in my life.
I believe a healthy, joyful, vibrant lifestyle is based on three areas, our Mind, Body, and Soul, when all three areas are synchronized you are living life at its best.
Mind - awareness of resistance, limiting beliefs tolerances, re-framing
Body – becoming self responsible and choosing to live a healthy lifestyle
Soul - connection to self, your desires, dreams and core values
However, life was not always this balanced for me
I had grown up in good health and following the path of marriage and raising three beautiful children, I felt confident as a person and in my business. My children use to say I was a bit of a hippie because I loved nature and always looked for alternative therapies.
As I moved towards midlife, things started to change, I was feeling miserable on the inside and settling on feeling less than awesome on a regular basis.
I was working really hard in my own business because I believed that hard work pays off in the end, I was also in a relationship where I practiced the same principles, if you work hard at this it will all work out in the end.
I was constantly looking for things outside of myself to make a difference and make me happy.
I was exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed, and totally disillusioned and facing breaking point.
I believed that at this stage of my life, I should know how to deal with what was thrown at me. But I had so many doubts about myself, I felt totally disconnected from myself and those close to me.
I had lost my joy. I can remember a good friend asking me what I did for fun and I felt like crying because I couldn't think of anything in my life that was fun.
I knew what I did not want yet found it really hard to tap into what I did want, I felt trapped and I did not know how to get out of the cycle and the stress was now showing up physically in my body and my emotions.
Like me, you are not meant to suffer, you have the capacity to choose how you want to feel each and every day.
My 12-week programme will help you take an honest look at where you're at right now, create some self-awareness so that you can start to put yourself first, gain clarity about your desires, and get connected to what's truly important and we can have you feeling like your younger self again in 90 days or less.
I want you to experience the health, vitality, and joy that is possible for you. I bring together various coaching techniques, and I use essential oils as part of my modality as I have found them a powerful tool to bring us optimum well-being, not only physically, but on all levels.
I am excited to team with you and support you in the next steps toward a new you!