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Mon, 13 Mar



7 Days to Wellness

Creating changes in our lives can seem overwhelming, we just don’t know where to start. I believe small consistent steps towards a healthier lifestyle are the key to longevity. You will not find any quick fixes here but you will start to appreciate the value of an integrated approach the wellness

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7 Days to Wellness
7 Days to Wellness

Time & Location

13 Mar 2023, 8:00 am – 21 Mar 2023, 8:00 am



About the event

You will not find any quick fixes here, but I will introduce you to seven powerful habits that can make a difference in your life, both now and for years to come

No better time than now to join my 7 Days to Wellness Mini Programme and I will be there supporting you every step of the way!!

It is all systems go for 13th March, so if you are feeling a bit run down, tired, stressed, overworked, then I would love you to join us.

This programme is an introduction into making small consistent changes working on Sleep, Stress, Nutrition and supporting all your choices with some wonderful plant medicine in the form of Essential Oils


Dial down your stress

Learn how to rest and recuperate with better sleep

Balance your body with some better food options.

Learn some great self care strategies

7 Days of Wellness is a mini programme launching you on your own daily wellness routine.

What you will receive:

1. An exciting sample collection of Essential Oils to support each day of your programme.

2. Membership to a private Facebook group, a secure and private space to share your concerns and wins

2. We will come together as a group at the end of your seven days and celebrate your results.

3. Bonus 1:1 VIP Wellness Consult with me after the group call.

Over the seven days, you’ll receive a daily email with a simple activity to complete. Some of these things you may have tried before, some you may already do regularly, and some may be entirely new to you.

This is how each day will go:

  • You will receive an email from me each day after you have received your oil sample collection.
  • I invite you to complete the activity for that day.
  • At the end of the week, continue incorporating the activities you like into your wellness routine!

No special equipment or materials required, except for the Essential Oil Collection that will be forwarded to you prior to commencement.     

Plan to set aside about 30 minutes each day to complete your task, though some days will take less than that. If you're not able to complete an activity on the day it's assigned, no problem! Just add it in later in the  week when you have time.   The goal is simply to try the activities and continue incorporating them into your life in ways you enjoy.

Register now and lets get you feeling good!!


  • VIP

    7 Days to Wellness Mini Programme including Sample Collection of Essential Oils

    Sale ended



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