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I dont have time

Writer's picture: Gill BarraletGill Barralet

While I appreciate that many of us are juggling many different tasks and roles daily, I do believe that, in general, we need to undergo a priority check and explore our values.

A nourishing diet is a basic foundation to human life and good quality health and there is nothing on this Earth that can replace it. Preparing real food or making space for a regular meditation practice may take more time, but it is time we have to allow for in our day.

When we say “I don’t have time” for something, what we are essentially saying is “that’s not a priority for me.” So, how do you feel when you say to yourself that you don’t have time for whatever restorative or nourishing practice that will increase your health and vitality and reward you with renewed energy? The reality is we cannot compromise our nutrition and our body and still expect to have fantastic health and energy.

The Art of Small Incremental Change

The reality is if you try to change everything all at once, it’s more likely that you’ll give everything up as too hard. If you know that you’re someone who needs to stop drinking so much coffee, cut back one at a time before switching to green tea for a period of time. Look for easy, more nourishing foods to swap in for those that are less than nourishing. Set yourself a challenge to be in bed at 10pm at least two nights a week and then work your way up to five.

A Few Suggestions to Get You Started

If nourishing yourself with whole food is a challenge: Make yourself a green smoothie at the beginning of the day to take to work. Fill it with loads of leafy greens and top it up with a scoop of powdered vegetables for an additional boost.

If you know you drink too much alcohol for you: Start with two alcohol free days a week. Next time you go to an event where free alcohol is on offer, challenge yourself to opt for sparkling water instead. Remember that just because something is there doesn’t mean you have to consume it!

If your sweet tooth is letting you down: So many places are now offering raw desserts that are free from refined sugars, choose one of these instead or, better yet, make your own.

If you’re a workaholic: Sometimes we have deadlines that mean we have to work additional hours, other times it’s our own perception of urgency that drives us to work fourteen hour days. Check what this means for you.

If exercise sounds like a "dirty word" to you, try looking

for fun ways to just move your body more, walking the stairs instead of taking the lift, a bit of gardening, you can even get a pretty good workout cleaning the house, so maybe you are moving your body more than you think.

These are all forms of self love and acceptance for who we are.



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