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So long Cellulite

Writer's picture: Gill BarraletGill Barralet

Most women are familiar with cellulite. It is estimated that approximately 85% of women get cellulite at some stage of their life. Even if you have a lean body, you might notice a dimpled “orange peel” look start to appear on your thighs or stomach.

Cellulite can affect both men and women, but it develops much more often in women, especially as we age.

Cellulite is the name for collections of fat that push against the connective tissue beneath your skin. It often appears on your thighs, stomach and buttocks. Cellulite makes the surface of the skin look lumpy and puckered, or appear dimpled.

As we move towards those midyears and menopause our Estrogen levels drop but they can also fluctuate for years prior in our Perimenopause. During this time, estrogen levels may be too low or too high and these conditions can affect cellulite development.

Essential Oils can offer a powerful and effective natural remedy for cellulite, here are my suggestions:

Juniper Berry


Black Pepper


1. I recommend 5 drops of each of these Essential Oils added to a good carrier oil, I personally use Fractionated coconut oil.

2. Try dry brushing your skin before showering, this is done to improve blood and lymphatic flow to the skin using a dry loofah or bath brush and brushing the skin in one direction. Avoid bruising too vigorously, so that you are not damaging the surface of the skin.

3. After dry brushing, have a warm shower to remove all dead skin cells.

4. Massage the cellulite area with the Essential Oil Blend. This is also a great time to develop some self love for your body, it responses better with love rather than the continual self talk we create about not liking our body !!

Please note Grapefruit Essential Oil is photosensitive which will increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun, so avoid sunlight on applied skin for 24 hours. Also do a patch test for sensitive skins.

Want to know more about Essential oils and how to incorporate them into your own life?

Sign up for my 10-day Vibrant Woman’s Introduction to Essential Oils email series now



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