Vibrant is not a fad diet, where you deprive yourself and feel you are not good enough
Vibrant is not comparing ourselves to others and wishing we were different
Vibrant is not continually berating ourselves and feeling overwhelmed and drained
Vibrant is not somewhere we want to get to one day
Vibrant is not putting everyone else’s needs before your own
Vibrant will mean something different for every one of us.
Vibrant and good health are not a one fits all environment, bio individuality is key
Vibrant is Self Care
Vibrant encompasses multi-dimensional health mind, body and soul
Vibrant is small consistent steps that we can add into our daily lives easily
Vibrant is feeling calmer, healthier and happier and being in tune with yourself
Vibrant is transforming your daily routines and rituals to support the best possible version of yourself
Vibrant is taking responsibility for your health and wellbeing so that you can live a healthy life