Sometimes, when we’re feeling stressed and running around taking care of everybody else, the healthiest thing we can do is to stop and consider how we can take care of ourselves.
While this seems obvious many of us struggle with the idea of putting ourselves first. But we also know that you cannot give from an empty cup!!
The most important decision of your life, the one that will affect every other decision you make, is the commitment to self-love and self-acceptance. It directly affects the quality of your relationships, your work, your free time, your faith, and your future.
If you struggle with allowing yourself the time and space for yourself, here are my eight tips you might find useful:
1. Begin your day with love (not technology). I have started a morning routine of not picking up my phone until 9am. I know this time might not work for everyone, but find something that works for you. The idea is to allow yourself the space totake a few moments at the start of your day to tap into how you are feeling and how you actually want to feel that day, perhaps you are wanting to feel less stressed and peaceful, or you may need something to bring your energy up. Anchor the feelings with your choice of oils ask yourself “how do I want to feel today”.
2. Take time to meditate and journal. Meditation does not mean you need to sit on the floor cross legged for an hour, it can be quick and easy, it’s about stillness and bringing your mind back to this moment. It’s a much better way to start your day and journaling will get things out of your head. I find things never seem so overwhelming once you have written them down.
3. Talk yourself happy. Use affirmations to train your mind. Use Tangerine to lift your mood if you are feeling overburdened, it helps bring you back to your creativity.
4. Get emotionally honest. Numbing your feelings can cause long term physical health concerns. It can be tough sometimes to actually face our emotions rather than deflecting and using activities like shopping and eating to distract us. Look to Essential Oils to support your emotional needs. Ask me for information on the Emotional Wellness Collection
5. Live in appreciation. There are many benefits of practicing gratitude, both mental and physical. Regular practice has been shown to have measurable positive effects on health. Remember also to have appreciation of yourself, your talents, beauty, and brilliance. Love your imperfectly perfect self. Magnolia is a beautiful oil for helping us see our divine beauty.
6. Be guided by your intuition. Everyone is born with intuition, but we tend to loose connection with it in our busy world. It’s just a matter of learning how to tune into it, feel for it and strengthen it. Tapping into your intuition is all about listening to your body and feeling into your heart and allowing that to guide you.
It’s about checking in with yourself as to how something makes you feel, rather than allowing your head to take over or only trying to understand things logically. Intuition is your superpower and it’s something that’s within all of us – we just need to learn how to tune into it and connect with it. Start practicing by asking yourself “What will it take for me to trust my inner voice? Use Geranium or Clary Sage to support you.
7. Do what honours and respects you. What are you tolerating in your life? We tend to get dragged down and overwhelmed by things that accumulate over time - and end up cluttering our minds. You may not want to do anything about them right now, but just writing them out will raise your awareness and you'll naturally start handling, fixing and resolving them. So, make a list of what you're putting up with and see what's cluttering your mind, draining your energy and slowing you down!
Let me give you some examples to get started. Incomplete tasks, frustrations, poor processes and procedures, unresolved issues or problems, other people's or your own behaviour, clutter, 'shoulds', unmet needs, crossed boundaries, poor morale, overdue bills or invoices, guilt, exercise/eating/sleep habits, office cleanliness/tidiness, undone filing, indecision, procrastination.
8. Discover the power of fun. A few years ago, I was in a not so good place, I was constantly looking for things outside of myself to make a difference and make me happy, I was exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed and totally disillusioned. I believed that at this stage of my life I should know how to deal with what was thrown at me. But I had so many doubts about myself, I felt totally disconnected from myself and those close to me. I had lost my joy. I can remember a good friend asking me what I did for fun and I felt like crying because I couldn't think of anything in my life that was fun.
I knew what I did not want yet found it really hard to tap into what I did want, I felt trapped and I did not know how to get out of the cycle and the stress was now showing up physically in my body and my emotions.
Like me, you are not meant to suffer, you have the capacity to choose how you want to feel each and every day, I want you to experience the health, vitality, and joy that is possible for you.
Wild Orange – is my magical go to for lifting the spirits and inspiring abundance in all areas of life. Lets bring out that inner child and tap into what brings us joy.

If you would like help with oils or learning some new techniques to create a life of more vibrant living, book in a Consult Call and lets chat.