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The Vibrant Woman Project Discovery Call

1 hOnline

Service Description

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, not sleeping properly and dealing with nagging health concerns? If so, you’re not alone, so many woman reaching midlife suffer from these concerns. I know how you feel, I have been there too. And that’s where my brand new Coaching Programme, The Vibrant Woman Project can help you This 90-day Integrated Health and Wellness Coaching Programme will help you create healthier habits with a more holistic approach so that you can start to feel like your younger self again. But that’s not all… When you join me inside this programme you will learn: • The Fundamentals of Nutrition and our eating habits • Stress affects everything from our emotional to physical health, learn some simple strategies for reducing the stress in your life. • Metabolic health – how hormones can affect your weight, mood and happiness • How to develop deeper self-love and a more positive self-vision • Food and Mood, understand the mind body connection • What’s so important about happiness • How sleep influences our health and strategies to get the best nights sleep • Move your body, lets learn to love movement • Relationships and connection, why these are important to your health, longevity and success. • Natural ways to reduce inflammation and support your body more naturally This is so much more than any programme or online course. This is an immersive commitment to your growth in a safe private container. It’s a space that welcomes your vulnerability, encourages and holds space for you when you’re in your breakdown and celebrates you as you breakthrough. Book your Discovery Call now and lets chat get started.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or re-schedule I would appreciate at least 24 hours notice

Contact Details



Busselton Western Australia, Australia

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